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What Do if Do If Sued Under the Texas Dog Bite Law for a Dog Bite Attack on My Property?

If you’re a homeowner or business owner in Texas, you should be aware of the legal implications of a premises liability claim for a dog attack on your property. In the state of Texas, a person is liable for injuries caused by their dog, as long as the injured person was lawfully on the property. This means that if a person is lawfully on your property and is attacked by your dog, you can be held legally responsible for the injuries they sustain.

At Gallian Firm, we understand that a dog’s nature is to protect its owner, the property on which it roams, and we cannot always control the actions of our dogs, whether they are intended to be on the property for security, or are simply family dogs.  We also are extremely familiar with clients who do not believe they will ever have to pay for the actions of their dog, and clients who don’t take these claims seriously—until it is too late.  Let’s explore some of the law related to dog bites and dog attacks in Texas and possible penalties under the Texas Dog Bite Law.

The Texas Dog Bite Law

The “Dog Bite Law” in Texas is found in Civil Practice and Remedies Code Section § 17.04. This law states that if a person is bitten by a dog and it results in injury, the dog’s owner or keeper may be held liable for any damages that the victim suffers. This law also applies to landlords, if the dog is kept on the landlord’s premises.

The Texas Dog Bite law holds the owner or keeper of the dog strictly liable for the damages caused by the dog bite. This means that the owner or keeper is liable regardless of whether they knew or should have known that the dog had the propensity to cause injury. The law also states that the victim does not have to prove that the owner or keeper had knowledge of the dog’s dangerous propensities for liability to attach. When it comes to civil liability, the laws in Texas are fairly clear. The dog owner is liable for the damages caused by the attack, including medical bills, lost wages, pain and suffering, and more. However, the owner can also be held liable for emotional distress and punitive damages.

For the Victim to Receive Damages, What Must They Prove?

The law further states that in order for a victim to receive damages, they must prove that the dog bite caused an injury, that the injury was not caused by another person, and that the injury was caused by the dog’s bite. The law also states that the damages for the injury may include medical expenses, lost wages, and pain and suffering.

The Dog Bite Law in Texas also provides criminal penalties for those who own or keep a dog that causes injury. If a person is convicted of owning or keeping a dog that causes an injury, they can be fined up to $500 and be sentenced to up to a year in jail. Additionally, the court may order the dog to be euthanized if it is found to be a threat to public safety.

Overall, the Dog Bite Law in Texas is designed to hold those who own or keep a dog responsible for the damage that their animal may cause. The law holds the owner or keeper strictly liable for any damages caused by the dog bite and provides criminal penalties for those who own or keep a dog that causes injury.

Can I Be Held Liable if it Wasn’t my Dog?

It’s important to note that the dog owner may also be held liable for the actions of someone else’s dog on your property.  There are a lot of details that are important to know about this type of circumstances, but yes, if someone else’s dog attacks another person while on your property, you can still be held liable for the damages caused by the attack.

texas dog bite law

Dog Bite Settlements Are No Joke!

If you are not aware of how common dog bite lawsuits are, consider the amount of dog bite settlements paid out by insurance companies nationally totaled $1.3 billion in 2022 alone.

For Any Premises Liability Lawsuit, Contact Gallian Firm for a Free Consultation and Case Review

If you’re facing a premises liability suit for a dog attack on your property, it’s important to understand your rights and the legal implications of the attack. It’s also important to get legal representation from experienced premises liability lawyers. At Gallian Firm, we are the leading premises liability lawyers in Texas and we provide free consultations for those who have been sued for a dog attack on their property. Our team of experienced lawyers can help you understand the legal implications of the claim, and what your best course of action should be.

We understand the complexities of premises liability claims and our experienced lawyers will work diligently to protect your rights and ensure that you receive the best possible outcome. At Gallian Firm, we understand the importance of having legal representation to protect your rights and ensure that you are not victimized by a frivolous lawsuit or fail to get the defense you deserve.

If you have been sued for a dog attack on your property, don’t hesitate to contact Gallian Firm for a free consultation. Our experienced lawyers are here to provide you with the legal advice and representation you need to fight for your rights and to ensure that you receive the best possible outcome.  We will defend you!  Reach out and contact us today.

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