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Dallas Sex Crime Defense Lawyer


Have You Been Charged With a Charged With a Sex Crime in Dallas?

As any experienced sex crime defense lawyer can tell you, criminal allegations of sex crimes are very common in Texas. These accusations commonly occur after major life events, such as an affair or divorce. Social pressure may also be a key factor in false sex criminal accusations. The accuser may simply regret participating in a consensual sexual encounter. A conviction for any sex-related crime could be devastating to your personal relationships, professional life, family, and future.

Do not attempt to handle these allegations on your own, regardless of whether these accusations are warranted or false. Contact a sex crime defense lawyer immediately to fight any allegations of a sex-related crime.

What Are Sex Crimes?

Sex crimes refer to any criminal acts that occur as a result of a sexual motive. There are an extensive number of sex crimes that an individual could face.

Examples of Sex Crimes Include

  • Possession, Distribution, or Manufacturing of Child Pornography
  • Prostitution
  • Sexual Assault
  • Aggravated Sex Crimes
  • Indecency w/ a Child
  • Online Solicitation of a Minor
  • Continuous Sexual Abuse

Sex crimes do not always require actual sexual abuse to take place. Conspiring to commit any of these acts is grounds for criminal charges.  

What Are the Elements of a Sex Crime?

The Texas Judicial System takes criminal proceedings for sex crimes very seriously. The prosecution will enlist the help of the biggest government organizations, including the FBI. The FBI has access to advanced resources.

The most prominent element of a sex crime is acts that are committed to obtain sexual gratification. The additional elements of a sex crime are determined by the specific criminal charges that you are facing. The specific elements involved in each type of sexual-based offense are noted below

Sexual Assault

Sexual assault is defined as engaging in any sexual act in which the victim does not want to participate. Sexual assault may include elements of coercion, physical restraint, verbal threats, or other tactics.

Aggravated Sexual Assault

Sexual assault charges may be enhanced to an aggravated offense under certain circumstances. Aggravated cases may involve the use of physical force or restraint, verbal threats, or a weapon to commit a sexual assault.

Continuous Sexual Abuse

Continuous sexual abuse applies when multiple instance of sexual abuse occur over a course of time.

Indecency With a Child

Indecency with a child pertains to any form of sexual act, contact, or behavior towards or in the presence of a minor. Click here to read and further review the legal codes pertaining to sexually based offenses.

How Are Sex Crimes Assessed in Dallas, Texas?

The severity of a sex crime is based on several factors in each case and the severity of the crime committed.

Other Factors in Sex Crime Charges and Assessment Include:

  • Previous Sex-Related Charges
  • Aggravated Sexual Abuse (Violent, Sadistic, or Masochistic Content)
  • Concurrent Charges
  • Age of the Alleged Victim

The prosecution may push for enhanced charges under certain circumstances. Sex crimes against the elderly and children are considered the most heinous and punished severely by the justice system.

For example, the possession of child pornography is a 3rd-degree felony that imposes a 2-10 year prison sentence.

These penalties could increase dramatically if you are facing multiple criminal sex charges concurrently. You would face an additional 15-30 years if you are charged with involvement in the production of child pornography.

What Strategies Could a Defense Lawyer for Sex Crimes Use in My Case?

There are several defense strategies that your sex crimes defense lawyer may utilize for criminal sex charges.

Defense Strategies May Include:

  • Innocence
  • Accidental Possession of Sexual Explicit Material
  • Illegal Search
  • Sexual Acts were Consensual
  • Unaware of the Defendant’ Age

Every sex criminal case is different and requires a thorough legal assessment to determine which strategies will be the most effective.

What Are Your Next Steps If Charged With a Sex Crime in Dallas, Texas?

The Texas Judicial System takes criminal proceedings for sex crimes very seriously. The prosecution will enlist the help of the biggest government organizations, including the FBI. The FBI has access to advanced resources.

Do Not Agree to an Interview

If you are facing sex crime charges, you will likely be questioned by law enforcement, FBI agents, and criminal detectives. It is in your best interest to refuse any interviews and contact your sex crimes defense lawyer immediately for help.

Do Not Lie

You cannot outsmart these individuals. FBI agents and detectives are intelligent, experienced, and trained to detect lies. Remain silent.

Choose the Best Sex Crimes Lawyer

Facing charges for any sex-related crime is serious. Seek the assistance of the best sex crimes defense lawyer to maximize your chances of beating these charges. Choose a sex crimes attorney who is experienced, bold, and dedicated to clients.

Be Honest With Your Sex Crimes Attorney Lawyer

Remember that your sex crimes lawyer is on your side. Being honest with your attorney is critical for your case. Your lawyer is not concerned with whether or not the allegations are warranted. Your lawyer is dedicated to building the strongest defense case.

It could be detrimental if evidence later surfaces that your lawyer is not prepared to defend. Be honest with your attorney to ensure he has the knowledge to provide you with the best defense.

Why Gallian Firm Are the Best Sex Crime Defense Lawyers in Dallas

Contact the award-winning, experienced attorneys at Gallian Firm today if you are facing charges for a sex crime. Gallian Firm has former prosecutors with winning track records in state and federal courtrooms. Choose a sex crimes attorney who will not judge you, and has compassion for their clients.  They will fight with intelligence, strategy and aggression for you in a federal courtroom.

Gallian Firm, has represented hundreds of clients in Dallas, and throughout Texas, who were facing serious criminal sex crime charges. At Gallian Firm, we understand the stress that these serious can cause. Imprisonment and sex offender registration are valid threats in these cases.  Reach out as soon as possible to allow Gallian to begin building a solid defense case.

Contact Gallian Firm today if you are facing charges for a sex-related crime. The sooner you reach out the sooner he can begin aggressively defending you. You can reach the firm at 214-432-8860 or visit online to schedule a consultation.

Sex Crime Defense Law Firm Gallian Firm in Dallas Will Defend You

Gallian Firm could potentially have sex crime charges against you dropped or lessened by building a strong defense case. There will be no one who more aggressively defends you and attacks the prosecution’s case. Call (214) 432-8860 as soon as possible for a free case review and consultation with sex crime defense lawyer Gallian Firm. Don’t wait, it could mean the difference between your freedom and severe, life-long consequences.

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