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Dallas Drug Crime Lawyer

ARE YOU LOOKING FOR an experienced DALLAS Drug Crime Attorney?

If you are facing drug charges in Dallas, a top Dallas drug crime lawyer will be a critical part of your future.  Why? The criminal justice system in Texas punishes drug crimes very harshly, and nationally, drug crimes are often sentenced more severely than other types of crime. Our experienced drug crime lawyers at Gallian Firm know that individuals who are convicted on drug-related charges often spend longer in prison than those who commit heinous and/or violent crimes. 

Our Dallas drug crime lawyers at Gallian Firm have handled criminal defense cases for hundreds of clients, helping them successfully beat these charges and get on with their lives.  If you are charged with drug possession, we have a qualified Dallas drug possession lawyer who can help you. Our record of success is evidence of our experience, skill, and knowledge of Texas drug laws–and how to beat prosecutors! 


Discuss your case with the drug charge lawyers at the Gallian Firm and learn what we can do for you.

HOW DOES TEXAS DEFINE drugs for potential criminal prosecution?

The Texas Controlled Substances Act of 1973 makes drug possession, drug distribution, and drug manufacturing a crime. Texas defines and categorizes Texas controlled substances based on the potential danger of the substance, including its addictive properties.


These substances include street drugs, prescription medications, marijuana, and OTC drugs and are divided into 4 distinct categories. As you consult with a potential Dallas drug crime lawyer, ask any questions you may have about definitions and how they pertain to your case.

WHAT ARE group 1 drugs?

As any experienced drug crime attorney will tell you, drugs in category group 1 are considered the most dangerous substances due to the high risk of dependence, abuse, and overdose. These include both synthetic and prescription drugs. Examples include:

  • Ketamine
  • Methadone
  • LSD
  • Cocaine
  • Heroin
  • Opium
  • Methamphetamine

Any drug crime involving one of these substances will result in the harshest penalties, and a drug defense attorney will be needed immediately to help in an aggressive defense on your behalf. Those convicted often face mandatory prison sentences and excess fines.


Many of those convicted typed into their phones “drug defense lawyer near me” and chose the first drug defense attorney they saw.  Your life can depend on your choice of a drug crime lawyer, so don’t just type in “drug defense lawyer near me” and expect results.  If our drug defense attorney at Gallian Firm is not on that list, make sure you include us in your considerations. You will be glad you did.


You can view the complete list of all drugs on the Texas Health and Safety website.  If you are charged with trafficking or possession of Group 1 drugs and are in need of a Group 1 drug trafficking lawyer or a Group 1 drug possession lawyer, Gallian Firm is here to help.

WHAT ARE group 2 drugs?

Group 2 drugs are less severe than group 1 but still considered addictive and dangerous. These are typically hallucinogenic substances, including natural and synthetic substances.


Examples include:

  • Shrooms
  • Ecstasy
  • PCP
  • Mescaline


Penalties for crimes that involve these substances can range from 2 to 99 years in prison and a fine of up to $50,000.  If you are charged in Dallas with Group 2 drug possession or trafficking and are in need of a Group 2 the drug trafficking lawyers or drug possession lawyers  at Gallian Firm are ready to defend you.

WHAT ARE group 3 drugs?

Group 3 drugs are typically pharmaceutical drugs that are abused or misused due to stimulant and sedative effects on the body.


Examples include:

  • Ritalin
  • Adderall
  • Anabolic Steroids
  • Valium
  • Other Stimulants or Sedatives


Any means of distribution of these controlled substances is illegal and can result in harsh penalties. Punishments can result in up to 20 years behind bars and a fine of $10,000.  If Dallas law enforcement has charged you with Group 3 drug possession or trafficking, you will want to call a drug trafficking lawyer/drug possession lawyer with experience and success defending these cases. The best choice for such a drug charge lawyer is at Gallian Firm. Do not hesitate to call us for a free case review. 

WHAT ARE group 4 drugs?

Group 4 drugs are the lowest classification of illegal substances. These substances have a low potential for abuse and dependency.


Examples include:

  • Darvocet
  • Ambien
  • Tramadol

Punishments for Group 4 drugs are similar to the substances listed in Group 3.  Our drug defense lawyers at Gallian Firm will never take a drug charge lightly, unlike some less-qualified drug defense lawyers. An inexperienced drug possession lawyer may treat a case so poorly that charges get enhanced, and you are charged with a more serious crime.  Do not let this happen to you; call us at  Gallian Firm for the best defense possible.

WHAT ARE THE Penalties for Drug Crimes IN TEXAS?

Penalties for drug crimes will depend on several factors involved in your case, including the category of the substance and crime committed.


Factors that determine penalties for drug crimes include:

  • Amount of Substance
  • Properties of Substance
  • Intention (Personal Use, Distribution)
  • Type of Crime (Manufacturing, Distribution, Possession)

Previous convictions will also determine how harshly a case is penalized. Individuals with criminal records, especially previous felony and/or drug-related charges, are punished most severely.


Penalties for drug crime convictions include loss of driver’s license, prison sentences, and hefty fines. If convicted of a felony, you will also lose housing, education, and employment opportunities. These charges will have damaging and lasting consequences on your future, family, and reputation.   The best drug crime lawyers you can hire to avoid such a fate are our attorneys at Gallian Firm, who have the experience and a history of successfully defending those accused and charged with Texas drug crimes.



Possession of a Controlled Substance


Possession of Drug Paraphernalia


Possession or Delivery of Drugs in a Drug-Free Zone


Manufacturing a Controlled Substance


Delivery of a Controlled Substance


Texans are arrested for possession of marijuana, a controlled substance, more often than any other drug crime. Marijuana is the most common reason clients are arrested for possession charges. Typically, these cases are based on circumstantial evidence.  Many people hire a drug possession lawyer who is not qualified to fight for them. A bad drug possession attorney can turn what should be an easy dismissal into potential jail time and severe penalties.  


The prosecution would need to prove, without any reasonable doubt, that the substance was in your possession. Arrests are often made for substances that are found near the defendant. This is not evidence that the substance was in your possession.  An experienced drug possession lawyer can poke holes into the prosecution’s case and get charges reduced or dropped.


There are several ways to dispute the circumstantial evidence in possession cases. For example, the drugs may not belong to the defendant, or the substance could have belonged to another passenger.

BEING Arrested for Marijuana Possession IN TEXAS

Texas is still behind much of the nation in lack of progression in the marijuana movement. The majority of Texans are in favor of marijuana legalization, but political figures are moving slowly. Marijuana is classified differently under Texas Law, but the state is still home to some of the harshest marijuana laws in the country.  If you are arrested for marijuana possession in Dallas, Texas, and don’t hire a top drug possession attorney in Dallas, you could be another statistic and face jail time and fines.


As a Dallas drug lawyer like Gregg Gallian will advise you in a free consultation, charges associated with marijuana are similar to those of other drug offenses. Individuals can face criminal drug charges for the cultivation, possession, or distribution of marijuana. You can also be arrested and charged with a DUI for driving under the influence of any marijuana product containing THC.  


Penalties are based on the amount of marijuana found in your possession and intention. Penalties are significantly more harsh if crimes are committed near a location that is frequented by children, including schools and playgrounds. It is essential that you hire a drug possession lawyer who understands how to fight these charges and win on your behalf.

IS Marijuana Possession in Texas A SERIOUS CHARGE?

Many states throughout the nation have decriminalized possession of small amounts of marijuana. Laws have relaxed slightly in recent years and more serious crimes may now be classified as misdemeanors,  but penalties are still harsh.

  • Less Than 2 Ounces – Misdemeanor w/ up to 6 months in jail and $2000 in fines.
  • 2-4 Ounces – Misdemeanor w/ up to 1 year in jail and $4000 in fines.
  • 4 Ounces to 5 Pounds – Felony w/ up to 2 years incarceration and $10,000 in fines.
  • 5- 50 Pounds – Felony w/ up to 10 years incarceration and $10,000 in fines.
  • 50-2000 Pounds – Felony w/up to 20 years incarceration and $10,000 in fines.
  • 2000+ Pounds – Felony w/up to 99 incarceration and $50,000 in fines.

Trafficking charges, or an intent to distribute, are also likely if large amounts of marijuana are found in your possession.  Call for a free consultation with our top drug charge lawyers at Gallian Firm right away if you need an aggressive drug crime lawyer in Texas. Gallian Firm will fight for the best possible outcome in your case.


Selling marijuana is a serious criminal offense in Texas. Even giving someone a small amount (less than 7 grams) as a gift is a misdemeanor offense.


This is punishable by up to 6 months in jail and a fine of up to $2000. If this small amount is sold for financial gain, this offense carries a maximum sentence of 1 year behind bars and a fine of up to $4000.



Texas, unlike other states, classifies marijuana concentrates as a separate drug. An individual is charged with a felony for possessing any amount of concentrate. You can also be charged with drug manufacturing even if only a small amount was curated for simply personal use.


Drug crimes involving opioids are serious offenses because of their rate of dependence and potential for overdose. It is illegal to possess any opioid pain medication without a valid prescription.  As an experienced drug trafficking lawyer or drug possession lawyer will tell you, trafficking in opioids, and now even possession of opioids, are being charged far more severely than in previous years.  We have all seen the national statistics about addiction and death from opioid overdose.  You will need a strong drug defense lawyer if you are facing opioid-related charges.


  • Doctor shopping,
  • Forgery
  • Trafficking

It is also illegal to share or obtain opioid pain medication from a family member or friends. Possession and/or distribution of opioids is a felony charge in Texas.

Contact drug defense attorneys at Gallian Firm if you are facing charges for any opioid-related crime. These are serious allegations that require a strong legal defense strategy. Our opioid possession attorneys at Gallian Firm have handled countless cases involving drug crimes. If you are charged with opioid trafficking or any charges related to opioids, Gallian Firm will defend you.


Selling drug paraphernalia is a Class A misdemeanor, putting you at risk of 1-year jail sentence and a fine of up to $4000. This applies to any item that can be used to grow, harvest, process, sell, or use marijuana.


Drug paraphernalia is defined as any item used to consume, package, or process a controlled substance.


Roach Clips

Bags used to store marijuana are also considered drug paraphernalia. Possession of drug paraphernalia is a Class C misdemeanor that can result in up to $500 in fines. The prosecution would need to prove that these items were used for drug-related use.  You will want to consult with a drug defense attorney at Gallian Firm to ensure there is no opportunity for these misdemeanor charges to be enhanced to felony charges.


Texas criminalizes drug charges with more severe penalties than other states. The penalties for a conviction of drug charges depend on several circumstances in the case. Factors include:

  • The amount of the substance
  • Drug Classification
  • Intention

Cases that involve manufacturing or an intent to sell or deliver drugs are considered significantly more serious. Do not try to go it alone if you are charged with selling, possessing, or transporting large amounts of drugs–contact drug attorneys at Gallian Firm for a free consultation today.


Penalties are significantly more severe if a child is involved in the case. These instances include using a child to commit a crime or delivery of drugs to a minor. Selling or possessing drugs in a school, playground, or other area frequented by children also increases potential punishments for the crime.  You will need a top drug trafficking lawyer in Dallas if you are charged with trafficking drugs to children.


Operation of a stash house is a law that passed during the 2019 Texas Legislature session. It is defined as renting a property with the intent to use the space for illegal activities. You can also face this charge if you knowingly lease a property to another individual with these intentions. Illegal activities could include human trafficking, prostitution, and other crimes.


An individual charged with operating a stash house faces a Class A misdemeanor, which can result in up to a 1-year jail sentence and $4000 in fines.

WHAT IS Money Laundering for Drugs?

Money laundering is a felony crime in Texas. When committed for drugs, the penalties for these crimes are particularly severe.


These allegations claim that an individual committed drug trafficking and reported that the money was obtained legally. Money laundering for drugs requires planning and effort to execute. Typically, this crime involves 3 basic stages.


The individual places the proceeds from drug sales into an account at a domestic or foreign financial institution.  The individual then covers their trail, using layers to hide the source of ownership and protect them from an audit.


Lastly, the funds are disguised by integrating a legitimate source of revenue.

Coverups for these funds are often false businesses, purchasing financial instruments, including stocks or bonds and/or real estate investments. Drug defense lawyers at Gallian Firm have experience in both drug charges and money laundering. Be aware that a money laundering charge can quickly escalate into a high-level felony charge where federal drug laws apply.

CAN Drug Charges be Reduced or Dropped?

Drug charges can be lessened in severity or, in some cases, dropped. But it starts with hiring an experienced and competent criminal defense attorney. The quality of the lawyer you choose to represent you in court determines most case outcomes. 


The drug defense attorneys at Gallian Firm have spent years working as prosecuting attorneys. This experience has given them extensive knowledge of both sides of drug laws, making them a force in the courtroom. Reach out to the Gallian Firm for more information about legal representation that can potentially help you beat these charges.


Gallian Firm has former state prosecuting attorneys on staff. This experience has provided them with extensive knowledge of both sides of the law, making them a force in the courtroom. Reach out to the drug crime lawyers at Gallian Firm for more information about legal representation that can potentially help you beat these charges.

Gallian Firm have former state prosecuting attorneys on staff–this experience has provided them with extensive knowledge of both sides of the law, making them a force in the courtroom. Reach out to the drug crime lawyers at Gallian Firm for more information about legal representation that can potentially help you beat these charges.


As an experienced drug crime attorney can tell you, during an arrest, police officers are notorious for charging individuals excessively, adding multiple criminal accusations to the arrest. These charges are oftentimes built on circumstantial evidence and do not constitute proof of a crime.


Drug lawyers at the Gallian Firm could utilize several defense routes, including highlighting a lack of evidence or intent in the case. As experienced Dallas drug lawyers, Gallian Firm lawyers may even be able to have your case dismissed when they meet with the prosecution and highlight the lack of evidence or other flaws in the case.


There are also other ways that your drug charge lawyer can defend you against these charges, including claims of an illegal search, entrapment, planting of evidence, and/or denial of the allegations.


This happens more often than many people realize. Drugs are easy to hide. Police arrest and charge people with crimes, including possession and intent to sell, when they discover drugs that were hidden nearby. This is not proof of possession and merely circumstantial evidence.


Drug defense lawyer Gregg Gallian will review the details of your case and build a defense strategy. In these circumstances, he may be able to have charges dropped and if there is no evidence that the drugs belonged to you.


Entrapment is a defense strategy that can be utilized if there are officers involved in your case. This is the claim that officers used threats or other forms of harassment that instilled fear in the defendant. These threats made the individual a pawn who felt forced to commit the crimes for which they are charged. A drug charge lawyer with experience will aggressively defend you if you may have been a victim of entrapment.


The police are required to abide by certain practices to protect your constitutional rights. When officers fail to abide by these laws, any charges and/or evidence that was obtained could be thrown out with an effective defense by a top drug crime attorney. Examples of violations include: 

  • Cruel and Unusual Punishment
  • Using Excessive Force
  • False Arrest
  • Violation of Miranda Rights
  • Failure to Warn of Miranda Rights
  • Held Longer Than Legally Allowed on Mere Suspicion
  • Illegal Searches of Home/Vehicle

Law enforcement should be held accountable if they violate any of these constitutional rights. Experienced drug lawyers know this and exploit this point in court.


Officers may have also violated your constitutional rights during the arrest process, including performing an illegal search. Police officers are not allowed to search your property, including your home or vehicle, without a search warrant obtained through the court system. This is a violation of your constitutional rights and deems the charges and case dismissible in court. Any drug charges that result from an illegal search and seizure are disputable. An experienced drug possession lawyer will successfully raise this and other defenses on your behalf.


Your drug defense attorney may be able to have your case dismissed or probated if this is your first drug-related criminal offense. This is most likely to occur only if your crimes were non-violent in nature. You may also be eligible for a pre-trial diversion program.  Ask your drug crime lawyer about this option if it is your first offense.

WHAT IF THE COPS Found Drugs in a Car Search? IS THAT LEGAL?

There are few circumstances when it is legal to search an individual’s vehicle without their consent. This is allowed in the following circumstances.

  • The officer has probable cause to believe that there is evidence of a crime inside the vehicle.
  • The officer believes that a vehicle search is necessary for their protection. For example, that a weapon may be concealed.
  • If an individual is arrested and a search would provide evidence pertaining to the arrest.

Probable cause is a gray area in law and disputable in many circumstances. Probable cause means that law enforcement has reason to believe that a crime has been committed. They can also claim that they believed a crime is currently or is going to be committed.


No, you are not required to allow officers to search your car during a traffic stop. The Fourth Amendment protects citizens from illegal search and seizure. The officers will need to have a search warrant or valid reason to search your vehicle.

Police will often bully people into believing they are required to provide consent for a vehicle search. Officers are not allowed to search your vehicle if you do not give consent.


The first thing that you need to do if facing drug charges is contact the drug attorneys at Gallian Firm to set up a free consultation to discuss your unique case. Every case is different. but our drug lawyers want to speak with you personally to obtain and understand all circumstances in your case. This information will help him develop the best legal defense in court.

  1. Call drug lawyers Gallian Firm at (214) 432-8860 or fill out the contact form below to set up a free consultation.
  2. During your consultation bring all documents that are related to your case, including arrest records, charges, etc.
  3. The drug charge lawyers at Gallian Firm will review all evidence and elements of your case and provide you with potential legal defense strategies and honest expectations.
  4. His firm will deal with the court system to have your case and fight to have your charges dismissed or lessened.

The drug charge attorneys at Gallian Firm fight to keep their clients out of jail and with their families. They understand how serious felony charges can damage your future opportunities and will aggressively and relentlessly fight to have these drug charges lessened.

WHAT ARE Federal Drug Charges?

Federal drug charges can include charges for crimes such as:

  • Trafficking
  • Distribution
  • Manufacturing
  • Possession w/Intent to Distribute

These charges are extremely serious. If more than one of you is involved, you may possibly be facing charges for a federal drug conspiracy.


Hiring a federal drug defense lawyer is the best way to minimize your penalties if you are charged federally with a drug crime.  A federal drug defense attorney knows that federal prosecutions are handled differently than state prosecutions.


There are strategies a federal defense attorney will employ to potentially avoid jail time or even have your case dismissed. Some drug lawyers have no experience in federal court.  Don’t hire a drug attorney who is new to federal drug charges!  Drug lawyers at the federal level use various defense strategies, including questioning the evidence, discrediting witnesses, and using these tactics to create reasonable doubt surrounding the allegations.


Our drug defense lawyers are dedicated to representing our clients against the harsh federal legal justice system. We have represented hundreds of clients throughout Dallas and surrounding areas and have successfully beat these charges at both the state and federal levels.  


If you find yourself charged with a federal drug offense, our lawyers at Gallian Firm are aggressive, top-notch federal criminal defense lawyers with a track record of getting drug charges dropped or reduced.


It is critical to your case that you hire an experienced and reputable drug crime lawyer to have a chance at beating these drug charges.  Even if you have already hired another criminal defense lawyer, it is never too late to contact the drug lawyers at Gallian Firm to discuss your case.  In fact, it is a wise move. 


Your future, life, and family are on the line. You need the best drug charge lawyer in your corner to fight these serious charges. Reach out for more information with a simple phone call or by filling out the form below. 

It is critical to your case that you hire an experienced and reputable drug crime lawyer to have a chance at beating these drug charges.  Even if you have already hired another criminal defense lawyer, it is never too late to contact Gallian Firm to discuss your case.  In fact, it is a wise move. 


Reach out to  Gallian Firm today for more information about defense services.  Our drug crime attorneys have won countless cases in Dallas. Our clients have avoided prison time, fines, and had their drug charges dropped or reduced on an ongoing basis since we began our practice.  While there are never promises, we are experienced, skilled and aggressive in defending our clients with all of the resources available.  We win for our clients. 


Contact Gallian Firm today or call (214) 432-8860 as soon as possible for a free case review and consultation.  You will be glad you did.

FAQs for Dallas Drug Defense Attorney

As experienced drug crime defense lawyers, we focus on defending individuals facing charges related to drug offenses in Dallas and beyond. We provide legal representation and aggressive, strategic defense against drug-related allegations on behalf of our clients.

If you have been charged with a drug crime, our skilled drug defense attorneys understand the complexities of drug laws, have experience in similar cases, and can navigate the legal system to build a strong defense on your behalf. 

Our drug possession lawyers focus on cases involving individuals in Dallas and beyond accused of possessing illegal substances, such as drugs or narcotics, with the intent to use or distribute.

Each situation is unique, and we tailor our work to your situation.  There are no cookie-cutter approaches to drug cases or any other cases.  We take each case extremely seriously.  Our drug trafficking lawyers handle any cases where individuals are accused of transporting, distributing, or selling illegal drugs. We work to challenge evidence and protect your rights like no other defense attorney.

Yes, a skilled drug possession attorney in Dallas can employ various defenses, such as challenging the legality of the search or questioning the validity of the evidence against you.  Above, in the main body of this page, you can find some commonly used defenses that can be employed to protect your rights.

Gallian Firm stands out for its experience, negotiating talent, aggressive defense on behalf of our clients, and our commitment to providing personalized legal representation. Our drug crime attorneys prioritize your rights and work tirelessly to achieve the best possible outcome for your case.

Depending on your situation, yes, a proficient drug charge attorney can negotiate with prosecutors to potentially reduce charges or penalties, helping you achieve a more favorable outcome.  We can discuss different options when we do a free consultation. 

It’s crucial to contact a drug defense attorney as soon as possible after being charged to ensure your rights are protected, evidence is preserved, and a strong defense strategy is developed.

Yes, a drug defense lawyer has experience specifically in cases involving drug offenses, bringing in-depth knowledge and experience in this area of the law.  Don’t ever hire an attorney for a drug case who has no experience defending—and winning—drug cases.

Consider factors such as experience, comprehensive knowledge of drug laws, past case successes, and a commitment to personalized attention. Our drug defense attorneys at Gallian Firm possess all of these qualities and more.

Federal drug charges are typically more serious and involve federal agencies. If you’re uncertain, call us at (214) 432-8860 to consult with a drug defense attorney who can assess your case and provide guidance.

Yes, a drug defense attorney can help with charges related to illegal possession or distribution of prescription drugs, offering a tailored defense based on specific circumstances.

Contact us immediately. Don’t wait! We can assess the circumstances of your arrest, determine if your rights were violated, and take appropriate legal action.

Depending on the circumstances, a drug defense attorney can explore alternative sentencing options, such as drug rehabilitation programs or probation, to address the underlying issues.

You can easily schedule a consultation with our drug defense attorneys by contacting us through our website or calling our office directly at (214) 432-8860. We’ll promptly arrange a meeting to discuss your case.


Send a message to Gallian Firm and we will contact you as soon as possible.

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