4 Major Toxic Tort Cases in US History
A toxic tort is a type of personal injury lawsuit that involves a hazardous substance that was released into the environment and caused harm to humans or animals. These torts are based on the legal theory of strict liability, which holds that an entity can be held liable for harm caused by its product or activity regardless of whether it was negligent or not. This type of lawsuit can be brought against a variety of entities, including corporations, government agencies, and individuals.
Toxic torts are often complex cases and require experienced civil litigation attorneys to effectively represent their clients. Penalties for toxic tort convictions at the state and federal level can include fines, restitution, and in some cases, jail time. In this blog, we will discuss some of the major cases in US history.
1. The Love Canal Case
The Love Canal case is perhaps the most famous toxic tort case in US history. In the late 1970s, a toxic waste dump owned by the Hooker Chemical Company was discovered in the town of Love Canal, New York. The waste had been leaking into the nearby homes and schools, causing serious health problems for the residents of the town.
The case was brought to court, and the residents of Love Canal were awarded $129 million in damages. The case was highly publicized and served as a wake-up call for the US government, leading to the passage of the Superfund law, which created a federal fund to clean up hazardous waste sites.
2. The Owens-Illinois Case
residents of Woburn, Massachusetts. The residents of Woburn alleged that the company had contaminated their drinking water with toxic chemicals, leading to serious health problems for the residents.
The case resulted in a $200 million settlement for the residents of Woburn. The case also resulted in the passage of the Comprehensive Environmental Response, Compensation, and Liability Act (CERCLA), which established a federal fund to clean up hazardous waste sites.
3. The Exxon Valdez Oil Spill Case
The Exxon Valdez case was a lawsuit brought against the oil company by the Alaska state government and the residents of Alaska. The suit alleged that the company was responsible for the 1989 oil spill in Prince William Sound, which caused environmental damage to the area and harmed the local economy.
The case resulted in a $5 billion settlement for the plaintiffs. The case also resulted in the passage of the Oil Pollution Act of 1990, which established a federal fund to clean up oil spills.
4. The Agent Orange Case by US Veterans
The Agent Orange case was a lawsuit brought against the chemical companies that manufactured the herbicide Agent Orange during the Vietnam War. The suit alleged that the herbicide had caused serious health problems for the veterans who were exposed to it.
The case resulted in a $180 million settlement for the veterans. The case also resulted in the passage of the Agent Orange Act of 1991, which established a federal fund to pay for medical care for veterans who had been exposed to the herbicide.
If You are Facing a Tort Claim, Contact Gallian Firm Today for a Free Consultation and Case Review
Toxic torts are complex cases and require experienced attorneys to effectively represent their clients. If you are charged or facing a claim, Gallian Firm are the best toxic tort defense lawyers in Texas. Our experienced team of attorneys has a proven track record of success in defending clients in complex toxic tort cases. We know Texas and federal law in detail, and can provide you with the defense you will need to move forward with your life and protect yourself, your family, and your business. Contact us today to discuss your legal options.